Linda Urbach Howard

Linda Urbach Howard

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The right couch, at last!

How pathetic is this? The only news I have to share is not even about my daughter, it's about her couch.  She picked it out, had it delivered and there it is. Ta-dah! A very nice brown couch. And it came with extra throw pillows. How do I know this? Because she sent a picture. Or is it called texting a picture?  That doesn't really make sense because texting is supposed to be words, right?  Well, anyway, she's very happy with her new couch.  And now I don't know what the next big thing is going to be.  I'd like to be able to blog about what she's thinking, feeling, dreaming, planning but all I have is the brown couch. I hardly even get news of Bailey the dog anymore.  Well, a brown couch is better than nothing. Stay tuned.  She starts her Christmas shopping soon.

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