Linda Urbach Howard

Linda Urbach Howard

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Privacy Issue Part II

Having posted two blogs about my dear daughter written ten years ago on my brand new website, I realized I had better clear them through her.  I dreaded having her see what I wrote.  This is a girl (woman) who really, really cherishes (make that guards) her privacy.  I was all set for her to say: "You can't put that stuff on the web. That's my life! Blog about someone else." The fact that she's my only child and that I had written a book, set up a website, created writing workshops all for and about Moms would definitely put a damper on my efforts.  I was all set to create a fictional child just so that I would have something to blog about.  So late last night I called her and told her to look at the website with particular attention to the blogs.  This is the email I got back from her: "Those are worries. Nice website by the you. talk to you tomorrow. Charlotte."
This is the girl who wouldn't let me read her high school yearbook. I could look at the pictures, but I had to close my eyes when it came to her friend's inscriptions.  I love this girl.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, thanks for writing about being a mom and how hard it is to not only let go, but avoid being a stalker! I miss chatting with you. Beth Seibel-Hunt
